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Goddess Hestia, purification (incense pralines)

Goddess Hestia, purification (incense pralines)

Regular price €25,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €25,00 EUR
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Today, Hestia is considered the goddess of the hearth and the home. But there is much more to it than meets the eye at first glance. She is not a goddess of fire, she IS fire. The hearth of the home can take many forms: be it the home, as a person herself, the campfire. The core of our planet was also given this name. Hestia is therefore the controlled fire that we need in our lives. Be it as our inner flame, the campfire for preparing food or protection from the cold. This makes her a goddess who ensures the survival of humanity. Every holy fire in the temples, rituals and also the Olympic Games was dedicated to Hestia and was considered an eternal light that never goes out. In addition to the fact that there are hardly any depictions of her in human form, she is, in comparison to other fire deities, responsible for harmony, warmth, joy of life and security. Hestia's fire protects and purifies no matter what home.

Incense: sage, myrrh, ginger, dragon's blood, galangal, charcoal

  • Our chocolates smell good when burned, but they don't taste good.
  • Depending on storage (humidity), the burning time and lighting may vary.
  • If you accidentally damage a smoked praline, the powder can still be burned without any problems.
  • The smoke fills a lot of space, so please be careful and open windows if necessary.
  • Smoked chocolates burn themselves and become hot, so never leave them unattended.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Habe heute Morgen Imbolc gefeiert und die Hestia Räucherpraline dabei verwendet und der Geruch hat mich direkt in meine Kindheit geschickt. Eine meiner Omas hatte einen Bauernhof und einen großen Tischherd in der Küche und der Geruch hat mich so daran erinnert wen sie morgens das Holz aus der Kiste geholt und eingeheizt hat. Hat das kleine Morgenritual sehr schön abgerundet

Wow, das klingt einfach wunderschön! Es berührt mich total, dass die Hestia Räucherpraline dich auf so eine besondere Reise in deine Kindheit mitgenommen hat. Genau solche Momente machen Rituale so kraftvoll – wenn sie nicht nur den Geist, sondern auch das Herz berühren. Danke, dass du das geteilt hast, und ich freue mich riesig, dass sie dein Imbolc so stimmungsvoll begleitet hat! ✨🔥