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Gold Obsidian Round Copper (OB2)

Gold Obsidian Round Copper (OB2)

Regular price €89,90 EUR
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Size: H: 6 cm., Width: 4 cm. Weight: 35.2 g.


Like all obsidians, gold obsidian is an outstanding stone for shadow work. It supports the release of painful memories and emotional pain.

Fragments of the stone are sharper than a steel scalpel, so it is not surprising that on an energetic level it literally cuts away everything old and negative.

Gold obsidian has the ability to bring deep-rooted pessimism into the light and resolve it.

Of all obsidians, gold obsidian has the greatest potential to show its wearer the light in the darkness and the inner beauty.

In this way he conveys optimism in bad times.

This is why it is often used in grief work to remember the good times and transform the grief instead of holding on to it.

Furthermore, it is a strong protective stone against any negative energy and gives courage.

Zodiac sign

Gold obsidian is a good stone for those born under the sign of Scorpio and Capricorn. It helps them to accept, admit and show their feelings. This particularly brings out themes of love and self-love. It also awakens empathy for others in them, so that they can see behind the facade.

For those born in Libra who are out of balance and who try to please everyone, this stone gives the necessary sharpness to put their own needs first in order to regain their own balance.

It is also a particularly important stone for the Sagittarius zodiac sign if they have lost their sharpness and focus, because it gives them back. At the same time, it anchors the Sagittarius on the ground and gives them a firm hold so that they can hit their target safely.


Like the other obsidians, gold obsidian also works very well on the root and forehead chakras, where it connects the chakras and brings them into a healthy balance.

In addition, it can also be worn over the solar plexus chakra to bring out the inner fire, the inner sun.

Mythology and history

Like all obsidians, gold obsidian is a volcanic glass. It is formed when lava solidifies quickly and in a shock. The golden shimmer is created when the lava is rich in gases and solidifies together with gas bubbles.

Hardly any other stone is as important in the history of human development as obsidian or gold obsidian. The first blades were made from it. Obsidian is so finely broken that the edge of the blade is only a few molecules thick. This ensures that the blade is still sharper than it is today. This has given humans immense advances in their hunting skills, which has helped the advance of the human species almost as much as the discovery of fire.

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